Sunday, 17 January 2010

Rainie Yang - Rainie & Love

Rainie's latest album. Anybody else seen her and Show's new drama "Hi, My Sweetheart"? It's really quite nice.

  1. 雨爱 (Rainie Love)
  2. In Your Eyes (Feat. Show Luo)
  3. 匿名的好友 (Anonymous Friend)
  4. 青春斗 (Youth Bucket)
  5. 调皮的爱神 (Naughty Cupid)
  6. 折叠式爱情 (Folding Love)
  7. 要我的命 (The life of me)
  8. 绝对达令 (Absolute Darling)
  9. 新流感 (New Influenza)
  10. 二度恋爱 (Second Love)
Download : MF

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