Monday, 25 August 2008

萧煌奇 - 真情歌

A requested album, here is 萧煌奇's 真情歌. Well, 萧煌奇 is really an awesome singer... i especially loved his song 你是我的眼, which I have uploaded here as well, as just a bonus. The file is split into 2, as the file size is kinda big. Enjoy!

  1. 愛這首歌
  2. 甲我跳舞好否
  3. 唱歌乎恁聽
  4. 國民學校
  5. 好啦好啦
  6. 你置叨位
  7. 袂做憨人
  8. 小姐免歹勢
  9. 返來恁身邊
  10. 板橋純情曲
  11. 愛你一世人
  12. 阿嬤的話
萧煌奇 - 真情歌 (Part 1)
萧煌奇 - 真情歌 (Part 2)
萧煌奇 - 你是我的眼

Saturday, 23 August 2008

Linda Chung,鍾嘉欣 - Debut Album 一人晚餐, 二人世界

Linda Chung was the 2004 Miss Chinese International Pageant winner and is now an actress with TVB in Hong Kong. She has appeared and stared in many successful series, which includes, forensic heroes, Heart of Greed and it's indirect sequel, Moonlight Resonance. She is currently one of my favorite TVB actress. This is her first cantonese album, but it comes with 2 mandarin songs.

  1. 一人晚餐
  2. 二人世界
  3. 我不懂你
  4. 火柴天堂
  5. 过山车
  6. 其实我不快乐
  7. 浪漫无声
  8. 有没有她
  9. 你不懂我的心 (国语)
  10. 我不快乐 (国语)
Linda Chung - 一人晚餐, 二人世界

Y2J神木與瞳 - 為你而活

Y2J神木與瞳 is a new group consisting of 星光二班冠軍, 賴銘偉 (Yuming) and 最佳人氣王,黃美珍 (Jane). This is their first album. Well, frankly speaking, I think this is good for them, since I never really liked Jane's voice, and I still think Yuming isn't that great(over-rated). Couple(just a couple) of nice songs in this album...

  1. 為你而活
  2. 武裝的薔薇
  3. 愛在末日前
  4. 理由
  5. 愛煉
  6. Be Your Love
  7. 草戒指
  8. 終結
  9. 美麗
  10. 不放
  11. 法仔鼓
  12. Se-Ma-Se-Nay Ku
Y2J神木與瞳 - 為你而活

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

By2 - 16岁未成年

16 year old twins from Singapore.... yes you heard it... Singapore... Well... frankly, I wish them good luck in the music industry... I still think they should have finished their 'O's first... but its their choice of course. Well... they can dance... probably have to work on their vocals more, but that should improve with more training... Decent first album though. Oh ya... they have to work on their chinese... Saw some interviews they did on Taiwanese talk shows... their chinese made me laugh... Added some pictures (like 4) in there as well. Enjoy.

  1. 好好爱"0" (心动时刻版)
  2. 不够成熟
  3. PP别黏在椅上
  4. 发呆
  5. 买买买
  6. 爱丫爱丫
  7. 你说我说
  8. 仙草蜜
  9. 太难搞
  10. 甜甜圈
  11. 好好爱"0"(甜蜜真实版)
By2 - 16岁未成年