Saturday, 23 August 2008

Y2J神木與瞳 - 為你而活

Y2J神木與瞳 is a new group consisting of 星光二班冠軍, 賴銘偉 (Yuming) and 最佳人氣王,黃美珍 (Jane). This is their first album. Well, frankly speaking, I think this is good for them, since I never really liked Jane's voice, and I still think Yuming isn't that great(over-rated). Couple(just a couple) of nice songs in this album...

  1. 為你而活
  2. 武裝的薔薇
  3. 愛在末日前
  4. 理由
  5. 愛煉
  6. Be Your Love
  7. 草戒指
  8. 終結
  9. 美麗
  10. 不放
  11. 法仔鼓
  12. Se-Ma-Se-Nay Ku
Y2J神木與瞳 - 為你而活

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