Monday, 25 August 2008

萧煌奇 - 真情歌

A requested album, here is 萧煌奇's 真情歌. Well, 萧煌奇 is really an awesome singer... i especially loved his song 你是我的眼, which I have uploaded here as well, as just a bonus. The file is split into 2, as the file size is kinda big. Enjoy!

  1. 愛這首歌
  2. 甲我跳舞好否
  3. 唱歌乎恁聽
  4. 國民學校
  5. 好啦好啦
  6. 你置叨位
  7. 袂做憨人
  8. 小姐免歹勢
  9. 返來恁身邊
  10. 板橋純情曲
  11. 愛你一世人
  12. 阿嬤的話
萧煌奇 - 真情歌 (Part 1)
萧煌奇 - 真情歌 (Part 2)
萧煌奇 - 你是我的眼

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